I am feeling so much stronger, physically, mentally & emotionally this week for a few reasons;
a) no stinking jet-lag
b) adjusted to being on my own in a new city
c) having people to talk to is important for an extrovert like me and
d) doing a program of this intensity every day you can't help but build up strength & stamina in a fairly short period of time.
This last point is important if you are one of my training clients back in Australia.
You've all heard me banging on about a little bit everyday will get you where you want to be, well it's true.
I hit the ground running here, with a few obstacles in my way and have still managed to cope with what's being thrown at me; more than that, this week, I really feel like I'm on top of my fitness game.
It feels fantastic.
Compared to the 2 hour individual sessions, a 1 hour Bootcamp, even at 7am, does not kick my butt the way a 1 hour session at home used to.
It is absolutely a great workout and we Bootcampers all work hard, but I don't "hit the wall" and I feel incredibly energised after these sessions.
Having the whole rest of the day & night to explore New York helps too.
This level of intensity is not for everyone, certainly not for any sane person, but the principle of doing enough everyday to stay fit & healthy and challenging yourself with what is acheivable certainly holds true.
If walking everyday is what you can do every day, then do it, with a strength session or two a week, you will notice day by day, week by week, the changes in your body, your energy levels and your attitude.
You CAN do more than you think, so Get It Done!
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