Friday, 1 April 2011

Flight of the Honey Badger

Well I made it to New York intact, mostly..  having travelled for about 20 hours, there was a small period of delirium on the flight from LA but I managed to sleep some more and it passed, so here I sit at 11pm local time, eating dinner in my teeny tiny apartment.

I got to Melbourne airport at 7am Friday 1st of April and by an amazing time-travelling coincidence, landed at LAX at 7am Friday 1st of April.

Thanks to my Bestie Shaz and her detailed knowledge of The Honey Badger*, we were laughing hysterically until we cried before I boarded and she's pretty much kept me smiling and quietly giggling to myself, like a crazy person, the whole way here.

Everyone I've met has been wonderfully kind and helpful, especially when I was wandering around strange airports looking lost and obviously in the wrong place.

From the massive Maori security guard at Sydney who smiled sweetly at me and wished me a pleasant flight after grumping at the other passengers, (I was the only one who put their 100mls of liquid into the correct bag and the dozen or so before me seemed oblivious to requirements), to the Immigration official at LAX who seemed quite personally offended I was chosing New York over Los Angeles, (is that an east coast/west coast thang?), I have been so fortunate to meet lovely people.

So I'm here on Delancey street, which is noisier than expected, especially as seven police cars in a row just went howling by, but it's the city and it's great.

I shared a cab from JFK into town with my random LA airport friend Simone, also from Melbourne and going on to New York, and when I told her I'm probably going to see Mary Poppins on Broadway she was horrified... "I just don't know who you are anymore"... Hilarious!

I've been food shopping at the Wholefoods Market around the corner, where I spent far too much time wandering around but not nearly as much money as I thought, and came out with great food for a week.
OMG I love that place!

I still can't belive I'm here.

I'm going exploring tomorrow to find Terri's studio because I do like to be prepared, and will possibly see some sights if I'm not a drowsy mess.


* Honey Badger clip is NSFW or Children

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