Saturday, 2 April 2011

Day One

I get the feeling each of my future posts is going to start with "Wow, this was the best day EVER!"

After only 6 hours sleep I was up at 7am and excited to start exploring so first stop was Wholefoods Market for coffee. If they had rooms, I'd be staying there, it is just awesome and yes, I am ridiculous for well-stocked shops with things we don't have at home (it's the same when I go to Tesco in the UK... and please stop laughing at me Mr Chidlow)

So with sufficient caffeination and a whole day ahead of me I started off for Hells Kitchen Flea Market. Having left my carefully written intstructions at the apartment I decided I could work it out and get there on my own; I knew I needed to walk up Broadway for ages and eventually I'd reach W 39th street.

Walking around New York smiling like a crazy person certainly pays off and most people actually smile back, which is not what I expected at all.

I was waiting to cross the road at Union Square, because I seem to be the only person who pays attention to the walk/don't walk signs, to avoid being hit by cars as I keep looking the wrong way, and a random bike-riding guy goes past.

He sees me smiling and smiles back AND THEN turns around and comes back to me and says "please will you come to my show?", which of course I will, and "if you'd like to have coffee, here's my number".

I'm not really sure what "have coffee" means. But I do drink coffee and I will go and see his show.

So I eventually make it to the flea market and it is great, full of great clothes & shoes, other people's stuff which I love. I bought a cute cashmere jumper and a trench coat, coincidentally both bright pink, for $40 and then wouldn't buy anything else because the heels of the very cute black Manolos (in my size!) were too high and it's my first day and I can't spend ALL of my money!

I also wandered into a shot of some TV show that was being filmed there so had to sign something saying I was okay about that. Which of course I did.

I came back via 8th avenue, E 23rd street and some other random streets that looked interesting, wandering through Washington Square Park and NYU and took the smaller streets through NoLita until I was back at Delancey street. I do love a grid system and a good sense of direction.

So a quick lunch (ginger-honey chicken with sugar peas & mushrooms, yum!) and off again to find The Market on Mulberry street.

This turned out not to be a flea market, but a craft & designers market, full of gorgeous jewellery & clothes, most of it completely out of my price range, even the stunning silk dress that was "only $200 because it's an old sample" and really would have worked with the Manolos. Good thing I didn't buy them.

I did get a really cute silk knit top that fits me and my budget perfectly.

I'm going to stop shopping now.

I still don't feel like I'm completely in my body yet, and waiting for tiredness to catch up to me, so it's a quiet, early night tonight, in preparation for the training which starts on Monday...  you know, the whole reason I'm here?



  1. the guy on the bike was hitting on you. :) 'have coffee' means, maybe we'll xxx later? lolololol

  2. Oh.
    I thought he was gay but that's probably his cunning ruse.
    I won't be having coffee then.

    So the security guys at the Ballroom were hitting on me too? Letting me in for one (free) beer and offering to let me stay for the show?
    Oh dear, I really can be quite clueless about this stuff.

    Will pay better attention :)
